PRCS Offers Sensory Saturday @ Alexander West Park July 20

Join Culver City’s Parks, Recreation, and Community Services at Culver West Alexander Park on July 20th and August 3rd for Sensory Saturdays!

“Sensory play is any activity that stimulates the senses. There are five main senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, and two other less-known senses, vestibular (sense of balance) and proprioceptive (sense of where each body part is in relation to the rest of the body). The more kids use their senses, the more they develop them and the ability to learn using them,” Ellen Metrick writes on the Genius of Play. “Sensory play is essential for all kids to learn how their bodies work, and how to process and interpret the world around them. Sometimes the reality of a special need, like Down syndrome or autism spectrum disorder, provides a few barriers, but the need and importance of sensory play remain the same for all children.”

Enjoy water play and indoor sensory activities while socializing with others at this free event.

Questions? [email protected]

Culver West Alexander Park, 4162 Wade St, Los Angeles, CA 90066, Culver City, 90066


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