Red Ribbons for a Healthy Lifestyle

El Marino students tie it up-photo by Jill Giardino

El Marino Students Create Human Red Ribbon

During this year’s Red Ribbon Week, El Marino Language School promoted the theme “Open the Door to A Healthy Community.”

The school began the week by having students tie red ribbons on their backpacks to signify their commitment to living a healthy and caring lifestyle. Classrooms decorated their doors with themes like: “What keeps me healthy?” “How to show I care?” and ” What makes a caring community?”

For the entire week, the school held a food drive for the Westside Food Bank and collected 840 pounds of food. An assembly featuring the entertaining Bully Dudes rounded out the week as El Marino’s fifth-graders created their own human red ribbon.

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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