Coming to our Senses on Pot – Hanna Liebman Dershowitz
As a mother, as a lawyer, and as a taxpayer, I am more excited about voting in the November 2 election than I have ever been about a vote in my life. That’s because the …[READ MORE]
As a mother, as a lawyer, and as a taxpayer, I am more excited about voting in the November 2 election than I have ever been about a vote in my life. That’s because the …[READ MORE]
What Makes the November 2 Propositions so Difficult? Ballot measures are always hard to read and understand, but this fall’s nine seem especially dense — separately and as a group. First of all, nine propositions …[READ MORE]
The Culver City Democratic Club will be hosting the 2nd Annual Diversity Panel at the meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. Creating an event to help foster dialogue about diversity in Culver City, …[READ MORE]
SENATOR PRICE’S SB 1088, EXPANDING AGE OF DEPENDENT COVERAGE, SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR Sacramento – SB 1088, legislation authored by Senator Curren D. Price, Jr. (D-Los Angeles) that prohibits health plans and health insurers from …[READ MORE]
My son just started kindergarten. So naturally, I have been thinking a lot about the type of world and community in which I want him and our seven-year-old daughter to live. I am involved in …[READ MORE]
If you are a member (or would like to be one) of the Culver City Democratic Club, come to the meeting this Wednesday evening, July 14, at 7 p.m. at the Veteran’s Memorial Building. Our …[READ MORE]
Take out your ballot and a pencil- Yes on 13 No on 14 Yes on 15 No on 16 No on 17 You may have a perspective on your own candidates, but if you need …[READ MORE]
She’s been in my mailbox every day for weeks now, so I had to ask my hyper-political self- Ok, who is this woman and why should I vote for her? Holly J. Mitchell is the …[READ MORE]
Prop 15- In a Nutshell – I think Prop 15 is the most complicated ballot measure we’re being asked to vote on in this June’s Gubernatorial Primary, but I’m going to simplify it as much …[READ MORE]
Prop 16 – Voting on How You Want to Vote on Electric Utilities Of the six statewide ballot measures on our June 8 ballot, Prop 16 is the likeliest to have a direct impact on …[READ MORE]
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