Sacramento – SB 1088, legislation authored by Senator Curren D. Price, Jr. (D-Los Angeles) that prohibits health plans and health insurers from setting the limiting age for dependent children covered by their parent’s health insurance policy at less than 26 years of age, was signed into law by the Governor on Thursday, Sept. 30.
Senate Bill 1088 will implement state law pertaining to the expansion of health care coverage for dependent adults to conform to the recently enacted federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the Federal Health Reform Act.
“This Legislation will put us in compliance with federal law in the most succinct and cost efficient way possible,” said Senator Price.
“Some of the intent language goes beyond what is in the Federal Health Reform Act, but California has always been at the forefront of good public policy, and in a state as diverse as ours, and with so many uninsured, I feel that the intent language laid out in SB 1088 provides reasonable guidelines for the expansion of dependent coverage,” he said.
Young adults compose one of the largest and fastest growing segments of the uninsured because they lose health coverage at age 19, as a result of being dropped from their parent’s policy, or because of losing eligibility for public programs, like Medi-Cal or Healthy Families, according to published reports. Additionally, one third of college graduates will be uninsured in the year following graduation. And only half of 19 to 29 year olds are eligible for coverage offered by their employers as compared to 75 percent of 30 to 64 year old employees.”
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