The Answer Cat

Yo, Jethro! Shelly Blaisdell
Namaste my Dear Readers! This will be my last column for a while, as I am about to go to India! I will be filing reports from the field occasionally, because in India the calendar …[READ MORE]
The Answer Cat
Namaste my Dear Readers! This will be my last column for a while, as I am about to go to India! I will be filing reports from the field occasionally, because in India the calendar …[READ MORE]
Dear Jethro. I keep getting the hiccups. What’s up with that? Dear Hiccuping guy, Hiccups are annoying indeed. Allow me to explain the process and history of hiccuping, knowing full well that it will not …[READ MORE]
Dear Jethro, I’m having a party this Saturday and I went to the store to get some refreshments but the store clerk asked me for my ID, when I told him I didn’t have one …[READ MORE]
Jethro Dude did you see it? It was awesome! It was all dark and then all the sudden there was this big white spaceship and it totally flew sideways and landed in the middle of …[READ MORE]
Your regularly scheduled pithy comments from that puny cat have been interrupted by ME! I am Ballazar the Magnificent! Bow and tremble before me! Hey you there! I can see you! I see you are …[READ MORE]
Gentle Readers, Do you see this face? Does this look like the face of a happy cat? No. It does not. It looks like a cat about to go postal. I was in the middle …[READ MORE]
Yo, Jethro! I just got the ax. I’ve been at this company for 23 years. I’ve been working toward the pension which kicks in for Officers after 25 years of employment. For every raise or …[READ MORE]
Jethro Mi Amore I’ve been searching for years. Do you remember me? It was Paris. We were young. I was beautiful then. You brought me escargot and we watched the sunset. The petite rouge squirrels …[READ MORE]
Hi friends. This week I am posting a letter from a cat who had a rough experience last year. It’s a PSA actually, a personal tale of the perils of drinking and drugs so prevalent …[READ MORE]
Dear Jethro, I try, Jethro, I really do. Every year I try to catch the holiday spirit. I listen to the cheesy music. I buy overpriced gifts for people I don’t really want to spend …[READ MORE]
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