Looking Up by Bob Eklund

Looking Up – Bob Eklund

NASA’s Astrobiology Institute (NAI) announced that the SETI Institute has been selected as a new member of the NAI for a 5-year research program, “Changing Planetary Environments and the Fingerprints of Life.” Led by SETI’s …[READ MORE]

Looking Up by Bob Eklund

Looking Up – Bob Eklund

Up to half of the water on Earth is likely older than the solar system itself, University of Michigan astronomers theorize. The researchers’ work, published in the current issue of Science, helps to settle a …[READ MORE]

Looking Up by Bob Eklund

Looking Up – Bob Eklund

NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover has reached the Red Planet’s Mount Sharp, a Mount-Rainier-size mountain at the center of the vast Gale Crater and the rover mission’s long-term prime destination. “Curiosity now will begin a new …[READ MORE]

Looking Up by Bob Eklund

Looking Up – Bob Eklund

The Impressionist movement of the late 19th century takes its name from French artist Claude Monet’s moody, dreamlike painting “Impression, Soleil Levant” (“Impression, Sunrise”). Now, Texas State University astronomer and physics professor Donald Olson has …[READ MORE]

Looking Up by Bob Eklund

Looking Up – Bob Eklund

NASA’s Pluto-bound New Horizons spacecraft has traversed the orbit of Neptune. It is due to make a close encounter with distant Pluto on July 14, 2015. The sophisticated piano-sized spacecraft, which launched in January 2006, …[READ MORE]

Looking Up by Bob Eklund

Looking Up – Bob Eklund

The Whirlpool Galaxy Messier 51 (M51) is seen from a distance of approximately 30 million light-years. This galaxy appears almost face-on and displays a beautiful system of spiral arms. A European team of astronomers was …[READ MORE]

Looking Up by Bob Eklund

Looking Up – Bob Eklund

On August 6, after a decade-long journey chasing its target, the European Space Agency’s Rosetta became the first spacecraft to rendezvous with a comet, opening a new chapter in solar system exploration. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and …[READ MORE]