The City Council will meet remotely tonight on April 13, 2020. Among the agenda items to be addressed will be an extension of the eviction moratorium to May 31, 2020, in relation to the pandemic.
The moratorium on eviction was initially declared from April 7, 2020. Extending the date is part of the city’s response to the pandemic, and the city is in compliance with the required actions from the county and the state.
As of April 7, there were 16,429 cases in California, with 397 deaths; and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health reports 6,9107 cases and 169 deaths, which includes 27 cases and one death in Culver City. As there is a rapid increase in cases and ongoing significant risk of infection throughout the United States and the State of California, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health are recommending that counties and cities throughout the U.S. continue to actively address the COVID-19 pandemic and implement aggressive measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Currently there are 31 reported cases in Culver City.
While the council’s ruling on rent control and the subsequent petition to put the matter on a future ballot are not yet settled, the shadow of the pandemic has set the rest of the details off into the future.
The moratorium applies to both residential and commercial tenants.
Judith Martin-Straw
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