Workshop? Bikeshop? Walkshop? Culver City Wants Your Take on the TOD

sign-bike_pedestrian_vancouver1-864x400_cAs Culver City focuses on the future, getting input from residents is vital. Getting out of our cars to create a place where more of us walk than drive is the idea of the Transit Oriented Development District. Taking this on, foot by foot, will help the city planners to make it what it needs to be.

Think of the Highline in NYC, the Riverwalk in San Antonio, or any of dozens of plazas and promenades in other countries. Cites work better when they offer people car free space.

If you ride a bike, for transit or for pleasure, you will want to join us on your bike for a ride through Culver City’s Transit Oriented Development district and its surroundings. We want to experience with you the pleasures of biking in Culver City, as well as the “bumps”
in the road for bikers.

10:00 am Meet at El Barone
8641 Washington Boulevard
We’ll ride a circuit together and be back by noon.

If you enjoy a walk through town, whether on your way to work, shopping or play, come join us for a stroll around Culver City’s Transit Oriented Development district and its surroundings. Show us your favorite routes, secret short-cuts, and those places where things might be better for pedestrians.

12:00 noon Meet at the Expo Station
8817 Washington Boulevard
We’ll walk the neighborhoods and be back by 2:00.


The Actors' Gang

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