Mind the Numbers (and TCB)

CulverCityHello Readers! While Culver City Crossroads is always pleased to have more readers (new readers and long time readers) we thought it important to take a moment ask you to mind the numbers, and take care of business.

Mind the Numbers – We often get comments on posts that are several years old, sometimes without folks realizing that this is not new news.( In fact, one of our most active threads is on a post that’s more than a year old, but still part of a very active controversy. ) The conversation does not need to stop, but please know that if you comment on an older post, it’s not going to roll back to the top spot. Comments are always welcome, unless they are threatening, obscene or an unapproved advertisement. So, if you get a forward on Facebook, or a link from a friend, that cites a Culver City Crossroads post, check the date to see if this news is fresh or preserved.  All posts have dates, right under the headline. You may be commenting on news, or you may be commenting on history.  And you do need to sign your real name, along with a working email.

Taking Care of Business – We love our subscribers, and the RSS feed goes out five days a week at about three in the afternoon. We think this gives you a chance to take a break, notice what’s happening, and maybe plan the evening around a cultural event, a civic concern or a great meal. If you want to join in for delivery, please click the green box on the upper left and follow the instructions.  Many of our subscribers need to renew – that means send us some more money- because your original contribution was more than a year ago. You can subscribe without donating, or donate without subscribing (you are on the honor system.)  Many unpaid and unheralded hours go into producing this site, and when we see readership continuing to expand, it’s would be good to see donations expand at a similar pace. Please go to the PayPal on the left and make a donation.

Ads are here for a reason – Click on them, and you will get great info on products and services that we can personally endorse and recommend. These are small, local businesses that deserve your support.

More than anything else – thanks for reading. We are so glad you clicked. Now, TCB and mind the numbers!

The Actors' Gang

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