ECF Kayne Eras School Receives Grant from Siragusa

KECExceptional Children’s Foundation (ECF) is pleased to announce the award of a grant from The Siragusa Foundation. This grant will provide support for a broad range of enrichment activities for students with special needs at the ECF Kayne Eras School. Enrichment activities are designed to complement the school’s educational and therapeutic services with a variety of engaging classes. Current options include hands-on technology education, performing arts, visual art, business entrepreneurship, athletics, self-defense, and community service.

“This grant will allow us to maintain the great variety of enrichment opportunities available to our students. These activities are important in helping our students build confidence and work together,” said Scott Bowling, President and CEO of ECF, “We are grateful to The Siragusa Foundation for their generous support.”

“The Siragusa Foundation is pleased to continue supporting ECF’s Kayne Eras School. The foundation has always believed in empowering individuals to reach their greatest potential and such programs recognize that providing children with a variety of experiences and learning opportunities supports their healthy development, leading to a better quality of life,” stated Sharmila Rao Thakkar, Executive Director of The Siragusa Foundation.

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16


  1. This is a great accomplishment. Sadly, Kanye Eras does not even provide books or printed materials for the children.
    So, where is that money going?
    My daughter is in the 7th grade and, I have not gotten a syllabus to tell me the subjects that are bey taught.

  2. This post is from seven years ago-We do not have any other information to offer you. Maybe speak to the administration there?

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