Sister City Runners Needed

Can you run a full marathon in 4 hrs and 10 minutes?

Culver City Sister City Committee will send one male and one female runner to the 20th Annual Osaka Senshu International Marathon scheduled for Feb. 17, 2013 and hosted by our sister city Kaizuka, Japan.

As good citizen diplomats, the two selected runners will reside with Kaizukahost families during the 5 day stay. As participants you will have the opportunity to meet other sister city runners as well as international runners. Currently, expenses covered are airfare, lodging, meals and sightseeing. Must have your own international insurance.

Qualifications: Must be a Culver City resident or work in Culver City and live within a 2 mile radius; must have participated in full marathon runs during the last two years (times must be verified) and completed the run within 4 hours and 15 minutes. Additionally, you will be required to host
(at your home) a Kaizuka runner arriving in March 2013 to participate in the Los Angeles Marathon on behalf of Kaizuka City and Culver City.

If you are interested in applying for this exciting lifetime opportunity, please contact Kathleen McCann, Kaizuka Chair at [email protected]. All completed applications must be returned via email to [email protected].

Applications must be received no later than Oct. 10, 2012.

The Actors' Gang

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