CCEF Grants Give Great Stuff

In Culver City Education Foundation’s fourth and final round of grant applications for this school year, the Foundation funded five CCUSD projects: two projects for elementary schools, one for the middle school, and two for the high school. The funding total of $13,612 included a generous $1,000 technology grant from the Exchange Club of Culver City and an unrestricted grant of $2,500 from the Collins Foundation.

This round of grants included-

LCD/document camera and secure cart for a fourth-grade class at El Rincon.
Partial funding of the successful program, “Partners in Print” program at La Ballona, now to be in Spanish as well as English.
Completed the funding for the new computer lab at CCMS.
Tablet PC for a math class and laptop for Chemistry class at CCHS.
Purchased one additional computer for the CCHS Library, which bring to 15 the total of computers donated through CCEF.

More cool stuff to add to education. Thanks CCEF!

The Actors' Gang

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