While you may be aware of how awesome The Culver City Education Foundation is, you might not know all the awesome things that they helped our students do recently. With funding for 7 CCUSD projects in the second of four grant application periods this school year, CCEF gave $12,516.24. Wow! That includes one school wide project, two projects for elementary school, one middle school project, two high school projects and one adult school project.
CCEF granted support towards CCUSD Front & Center Theatre Collaborative, a 3rd grade Trout project and field trip at Lin Howe, the purchase and refurbishment of instruments for the music program at El Marino, paid for the Tech Team leaders to attend Cue Conference at CCMS, picked up the tab for a field trip to the Getty for CCHS Special Ed, bought four computers for the library at CCHS, and picked up the check for a field trip to Museum of Tolerance for CCUSD Adult School.
What can you do to support this terrific foundation? So glad you asked – Menchies Frozen Yogurt, located at 5622 Sawtelle Blvd. will host an eight-day fundraiser to benefit the Culver City Education Foundation and the schools. Menchie’s will donate 20% of your purchase back to CCEF on all purchases made from Tuesday Nov. 16 through Tuesday Nov. 23rd. Please print and bring in the flyer below to Menchies.
So, enjoy a frozen yogurt (or two or three) and know that you’re helping to support our schools at the same time. Consider it calories for a cool Culver City cause (say that three times fast…) and –
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