The Culver City Symphony Orchestra will be starting its 48th Season with a concert, Veterans Day Remembrance-Remembering Heroes, on Saturday, November 13, 8 p.m. at Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City; at the corner of Culver Boulevard and Overland Avenue. Free parking is available. This concert is under the direction of the orchestra’s Conductor-Frank Fetta.
There is no admission charge for this concert. For concert information please visit our web site: www.culvercitysymphony.org or call 310-717-5500 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Frank Fetta – Conductor
Medley of Themes for the United States Armed Forces
Stravinsky: Pulcinella Suite, Excerpts (1920)
Schumann: Cello Concerto, (1850), Peter Myers-Cello
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3, “Eroica” (1803)
Since the orchestra’s performing home is Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium, we try to honor this nation’s Veterans when our concerts fall near Veterans Day, November 11. With this concert two days after the memorial holiday, the Veterans theme seems very appropriate. So we remember the Veterans who have served in this country’s armed forces with a Medley of the Themes for the United States Armed Forces.
We also remember that not all heroes retain their lofty standing. The Symphony No. 3 by Beethoven, “Eroica (Heroic)” was first dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte, but when the self proclaimed liberator of the people declared himself Emperor, Beethoven scratched out the initial dedication, and changed it to “Heroic symphony composed to celebrate the memory of a great man.”
Cellist Peter Myers is a Winner of the Orchestra sponsored Parness Young Artists Concerto Competition, and is the featured soloist in the Cello Concerto of Robert Schumann. The orchestra celebrates the bicentennial of Schumann’s birth with this work.
Conductor Fetta worked with Igor Stravinsky. We perform Stravinsky’s popular Pulcinella Suite, to continue our ongoing relationship with this titan of 20th Century Music.
While there is no admission charge to attend this concert, and donations and membership to the Westchester Symphony Society, Inc. are welcome. Members of the Westchester Symphony Society are entitled to a pre-concert talk given by Maestro Fetta and to reserved concert seating. Membership is available at the concert. The Westchester Symphony Society, Inc., presents The Culver City Symphony Orchestra, and produces the Parness Young Artists Fund Concerto Competition.
This performance is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.
The Culver City Symphony Orchestra is now in its eleventh year performing in Culver City, and begins its 47th season. (The orchestra was formerly as The Culver City – Marina – Westchester Symphony). It has performed in many regional venues in the communities of Westchester, Venice, Los Angeles, San Gabriel, and now Culver City.
In addition to presenting the standard orchestra repertoire and concert dramatizations of operas, the orchestra has presented unique concerts devoted to Black American, Hispanic, and Women composers. It is the parent orchestra of the Marina del Rey Summer Symphony which performs at Burton Chace Park. The orchestra and its members have performed at The Los Angeles Street Festival, on live-radio music broadcasts from the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History.
Frank Fetta, Conductor and Music Director, is well known for his conducting of orchestral music, ballet, and opera in Southern California as well as throughout the country including engagements with the San Diego Symphony, the Redlands
Bowl Music Festival (of which he is director), the Fresno Philharmonic, the Torrance Symphony, the Nevada Opera Theater, and the Marina del Rey Summer Symphony.
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