Dear Editor – CCFT President Reflects on School Board Campaigns

Dear Editor,

The Culver City Federation of Teachers had the privilege of attending campaign kick off events for our two endorsed CCUSD school board candidates Lindsay Carlson and Andrew Lachman.

At Ms. Carlson’s event, I was able to remark how Lindsay has been a community member that for over the past year has spoken out about the district’s use of non-union outside contracts and rallied with our teachers and counselors to bring an end to outside contracts. Lindsay supported our push for fair compensation and has been an advocate for staff and students. Ms. Carlson spoke to her supporters about the importance of seeing much needed improvement to the district, especially rebuilding trust with staff and the community, using our Measure E bond money wisely and passing Measure O.

At Mr. Lachman’s event, Board Member Brian Guerrero remarked at Andrew’s involvement in numerous district committees including the LCAP and canvassing for Measure E. Vice-Mayor Dan O’Brien remarked how Lachman is a bridge builder in the Culver City community. I both spoke about how Andrew agrees the district should not outsource union jobs in CCUSD and we need to take the politics out of the school board! Andrew also urged supporters to pass Measure O.

Both events were excellent kickoffs for two outstanding candidates. Culver City needs candidates who have been involved with what has been going on within our district and both have been actively talking to staff, the unions, parents and the community.

Culver City Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers and the only AFL-CIO affiliate in the City of Culver City and represents over 400 teachers, school counselors, school nurses, program specialists and inclusion specialists in CCUSD. CCFT endorsed both Lindsay Carlson and Andrew Lachman for school board and we hope the community joins with their teachers, school counselors, program/inclusion specialists and nurses!

Ray Long
President, Culver City Federation of Teachers

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