One Book, One City, Jr. Filmmaking Workshop – July 22

classThe One Book, One City, Jr program, sponsored this summer by the Culver City Friends of the Library and based on the book Wimpy Kid Movie Diary by Jeff Kinney, is off to a great start! The first of three movie making workshops, conducted by Josh Blake, was well-attended and well-received. The second workshop, for kids grades 4-9, will be held on Saturday, July 22 at 2 pm in the meeting room of the Culver City Julian Dixon Library.

The first workshop focused on storytelling and imagination, and our second workshop will deal with more specific aspects of filmmaking, including different types of shots and creative choices. For this workshop and for the following workshop on July 29, participants are encouraged to bring the device (such as iPhone or iPad) that they expect to use for filming and they should have iMovie, Notes, YouTube and an Internet browser loaded. Free WiFi is available at the library with a library card. A limited number of iPads will be available for workshop use. Submissions to the Not So Wimpy Film Festival, to be held on September 9, are due on August 26.

On August 5, we will have a Wimpy Kid Book Club party. This will include a discussion of the book and the series, some games and a prize drawing. The drawing is for children who have read the Wimpy Kid Movie Diary book and who have filled out the bookmark at the library as part of the Summer Reading Discovery program. The winner of the drawing will receive a gift card, and must be present to win.

More information is available at

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