Have you ever wondered about those “Almost Invisible Boxes” (there are nine of them) around Downtown Culver City? In 2003 artist Joshua Callaghan conceived the idea of these traffic signal and utility boxes being wrapped in vinyl that has images of the surrounding landscape printed on them. They’re kind of a continuation of the space that the signal and utility boxes obstructed. Kind of a now you see it; now you STILL see it! And how about Don Merkt’s sculpture, “Crossed Currents,” located at the Culver City Transportation facility, very visible, at Duquesne and Jefferson. The stainless steel and steel mesh work is 28’ high, hard to miss! It pays homage to Ballona Creek and its importance to the native inhabitants (Gabrielino/Tongva) of the region. Wind and water are realized as themes in this art work; a single water droplet spilling over the lip of the jog into the creek, and the wind moving the water bubbles inside the jug. Crossed Currents was a winning entry in the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Liquid Art contest.
Hurry! THIS Monday night, April 10, the Culver City Rock & Mineral Club welcomes members and visitors to hear all about “Fluorite – the World’s Most Colorful Mineral.” The presenter is geologist Dick Weber, who has been actively collecting specimens for the last 15 years (he’ll bring a display showcasing pieces from famous locales to share). The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Veterans’ Memorial Building, 4117 Overland Avenue. Go to www.CulverCityRocks.org for the latest on the Club’s workshops, field trips, etc.
From the Friends of the Library (our own Julian Dixon Culver City Library) comes word that the new “Discover & Go” is a partnership between libraries and cultural institutions. With your LA County Library card, you can reserve FREE family passes to local museums and cultural attractions through the Discover & Go online portal. Check it out at www.colapublib.org/DiscoverGo/
Have we heard so much about Downtown Culver City and all it has to offer that we forget we’ve got the blossoming Washington West Business District (WWBD) along West Washington Blvd. between Inglewood Avenue and Beethoven Street? Maybe you’ve driven briskly east or west on Washington Blvd. and passed by restaurants and businesses that have been noted by LA Eater, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journals, Fox News, and LA Weekly. CycLAVia 2017 sure brought a lot of folks pedaling or strolling the area who “discovered” Wheel House Cheese & Wine, Renew Juicery, The Wood, A-Frame, ChoVivo, Laurent’s LeCoffee Shop, Gravlax, Tangaroa Fish Market. Starting in June, look for the WWBD to promote their Third Annual “Second Saturdays of Summer,” with lots of specials!
It’s almost “Walk With a Doc” time again (third Saturday of each month, which makes it Saturday, April 15) and the walk will be led by MDs Sarah Carpenter and Jeff Penso. Folks gather at 8:45 a.m. near the tennis courts at Veterans’ Memorial Park, where the Docs will give a brief presentation followed by a stretch and warmup by Culver-Palms Family YMCA Fitness Counselor Brandon Webb. Then let the walk begin! Most folks are back on site within about an hour, feeling healthier and happier than when they started, and that’s a good thing!
There are a slew (if that still means means a LOT) of activities coming down the road to celebrate Culver City’s 100th Birthday! The April 18 Mayor’s Luncheon; the AYSO Screenland Classic Tournament, April 22-23; Songs of Culver City, April 23; and more, several each month until the official “Happy Birthday” on September 23rd! Visit www.culvercity100.org for details.
Speaking of the Centennial, if you haven’t yet seen them, the Culver City Historical Society has produced two limited edition products celebrating Culver City’s special birthday: the historic sites throw (looks great draped across a couch or comfy chair} has been redesigned to highlight 100 years, and is available in three colors: cranberry, forest green and navy ($50.00) plus a new Centennial coffee mug ($15.00) to keep your beverage of choice warm. And of course they have Julie Lugo Cerra’s newest book, produced by the Culver City Chamber of Commerce for the city’s centennial, “Culver City, California: The First Hundred Years.” These items are all available at the Archives, open the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., or you can pick them up at the CCHS’ next meeting, April 19, at the Vet’s Memorial Building, featuring the Freeman family’s history in Our Town. For more information, visit www.culvercityhistoricalsociety.org.
While we await the construction of the Jazz Bakery on Culver Blvd., enjoy guitarist Russell Malone, Rick Germanson, piano;,Luke Sellick, Bass and Willie JonesIII, on drums this Saturday, April 15 at the Moss Theater (New Roads School at The Herb Alpert Educational Village) St. 3131 Olympic Blvd., Santa Monica.Cost is $35.00 for adults, $25 for students. For more information, visit www.jazzbakery.org/events.
Birthday greetings go out this week toAndy Weissman, Inger Kleckner, Jack Skelley, Lois Mulleneaux, Bernice Mathison, Freddie Wilson, Marty Hente, Richard McKeon, Barbara Jefferson, Howard Behnken, Britta Eriksson, Janet Shelton, Lucy Safai, Delia Lozano, James Powers, and JT Daniels. If you would like your (or a friend or family member’s) birthday mentioned here, email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to post it!
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