The results of the city-sponsored survey on polystyrene are in, and the responses from residents and business owners alike indicate strong support for a ban.
With 755 responses, 457 of which came from residents, 533, or 82.89% indicated they supported a ban on food service providers use of polystyrene take-out food containers such as cups, bowls and clam-shells. Only 110 respondents, or 17.11% responded no. Support dropped to 447 for the option of banning single use hard plastic, such as cutlery and cup lids, with 191 respondents offering a no. Banning the sale of foam coolers (not encased in plastic) also got major support, with 516 respondents saying yes, 80.16% of the survey.
Of the small percentage that identified as food service providers, only 3.17% of the survey, 20% of those noted that they were already using compostables as a part of their delivery.
The broad range of the inclusively worded survey took in both the food service businesses using polystyrene as a part of their delivery, and the stores selling polystyrene products directly to the consumer.
Of those who responded with comments to the survey, most language focused on the environmental cost of polystyrene, and several compared it the the plastic bag ban – a challenging change, but one that the community can adjust to and embrace.
The City Council will be taking up the ban again at the Dec. 12th meeting at City Hall at 7 pm.
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