Dear Editor – Reality ? Really ?

Sometimes I wonder if I’m on a reality show. Seriously, when I read just a few of the recent “news” items in my own Culver City, I fear that the ethical and moral compass in our community is officially pointing south.

Have our expectations of appointed or elected leaders dropped so low that the following statements don’t inspire head-shaking and anger?

• A superintendent is saluted for not, in essence, stealing money by retiring (again) when it is appropriate. Since when has it become remarkable for a well-paid superintendent NOT to take undeserved money after retiring, just because it’s been done in the past? This is surely no cause for salutation and it does not change my opinion of Ms. Jaffe in any way.

• A City Council member (Malsin) quits early to preserve his benefits, then has the nerve to run again six months later for a new term that would, in fact, enable him to sit on the Council for more than the maximum years allowed. I understand why Mr. Malsin did what he needed to do to take full advantage of the system, but I find it arrogant that he would run again. I don’t believe that, due to a technicality created by his resigning, he should have an opportunity to sit on the Council beyond the maximum time intended. Mr. Malsin will not get my vote.

• Another City Council candidate (O’Leary) says the Council members should get a 400% raise. Really? I find this to be insensitive and offensive. If Mr. O’Leary thinks he deserves a 400% raise, I suggest he not involve himself with community service. In this terrible economic environment, even mentioning such a thing should be reason enough for his ouster. Mr. O’Leary most certainly will not get my vote.

• A City Council candidate (Sahli-Wells) is ridiculed for suggesting the city save thousands of dollars by consolidating low-turnout elections … something that makes complete fiscal sense in any economy, let alone this one. As a tax-paying citizen and longtime Culver City resident, I appreciate and support Ms. Sahli-Wells’ suggestion that we consolidate our elections for School Board and City Council. We are in desperate need of sound ideas that address our shrinking budgets. I’ve often wondered why this wasn’t done years ago.

Ms. Sahli-Wells WILL get my vote, along with Jim Clarke and Andy Weissman.

Liz Kinnon

The Actors' Gang

1 Comment

  1. Agreed, on all counts! I would add that I’ve been baffled over the last few days by the howls that this election has become “nasty” toward Mr. Malsin – presumably because various writers have chosen to point out that he quit the job to preserve his benefits and is now running again. That’s not nastiness – that’s pointing out what happened. What am I missing?

    Thanks, Liz – and Ms. Sahli-Well, Mr. Clarke and Mr. Weissman will get our support, too.

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