The Culver City Unified School District has unveiled a new centralized information center on its website called “News, Views and Reviews: Budget Update.” The purpose of this site is to provide accurate information on the State Budget and its impact on District operations. We will offer links to key sites and resources. Additionally, we will regularly post a Q and A update, which will allow us to answer the most common questions and concerns related to the budget. To help us make this information center a reliable resource for the entire school community, the Board and administration will refer people to the District website when they seek budget information. Also, the district encourages parents, teachers and community members to send their budget questions directly so that administration can respond and, when appropriate, post the Q and A to our website. Of course, they will not post names. The goal is to listen for and respond to themes of concern and questions regarding public education funding and to provide the most timely responses possible. By directing all questions to one central resource, CCUSD hopes to increase the chances of getting accurate information to the public on the May Revise.
Go to the box on the lower right and click on Culver City School District for access now.
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