Williams Retires; City’s Chief Information Officer Opened the Digital Age

Like the free pubic Wi-Fi? Now you know who to thank. Watching meetings on YouTube? Commenting through WebEx ? All that and more. 

On her retirement, the City of Culver City offers gratitude to Michele Williams for the immense impact in her career. Michele spent 27 years serving the public interest. As Chief Information Officer, she oversaw massive improvements to the connectivity and functionality of the City, including Culver Connect.

Culver Connect is a municipal fiber network facilitating high speed data connectivity to Culver City businesses in order to promote economic development.

Among the technical achievements of bringing the City of Culver City into the digital age, she also helped ensure the City continued to meet the needs of the public during the pandemic – no small thing. The public media access of meetings, boards and commissions also benefitted from Williams’ leadership. 

City of Culver City

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