Shoes for the Homeless – Volunteers Needed!

If you have been wanting to be of service to your community, here is another option;Please join Shoes for the Homeless on Sunday, February 9, 2025  for our upcoming shoe processing event. It is being co-sponsored by Temple Akiba of Culver City and the Jewish Federation Los Angeles.

Prior to giving out shoes, we need to put them in pairs, categories and pack them up – this is where our volunteers come in! Once shoes are processed, we are able to give away thousands of pairs of shoes to those in need, including to the fire victims.

Registration is required to participate and children must be accompanied by parent or guardian.

Once you click on the link, just scroll down to our event at the bottom.

Processing happens between 9 am-noon. If you can, please come early to help set up at 8 am in Culver City. Location and directions will be shared in advance with registrants. This will be a different location from our regular location.

AND Bring Shoes: If you can, bring lightly used men’s, women’s and/or children’s shoes! Our goal is 65,000 this year, and every pair will make a difference. 

The Actors' Gang