Phone Scammers Posing as CCPD

The Culver City Police Department is warning the public regarding reports of scam artists impersonating department officials. These individuals use technology to imitate the police station’s phone number to make their calls appear legitimate.
 Scammers are posing as Culver City Police Officials and placing calls requesting your personal identifying information. They may also use official-sounding language to gain your trust.

These impostors may demand personal information, including your address, Social Security numbers, bank account details, and other sensitive data. If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from the Culver City Police Department asking for personal information, do not provide any details.

If you receive a call claiming to be the police, hang up and call the Culver City Police Department directly at (310) 253-6208 to verify if the call was legitimate.  If you believe you have been targeted by this scam, report it immediately to the Culver City Police Department.

Culver City Police Department


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