The Advisory Committee on Housing and Homelessness met on Jan. 28, 2025 at City Hall, confirming the rescheduling of the annual homeless count for Feb. 20, 2025. The count was postponed from January because of the wildfires in Los Angeles County.
The annual count, which the county has taken since 2016, is a ‘point-in-time’ data survey to assess trends in homelessness and measure specific benchmarks. Culver City’s count will be on Day Three this year. The count will begin on Feb. 18 in the San Fernando and Metro areas, with Feb. 19 covering San Gabriel and East Los Angeles. West Los Angeles, including Culver City, will count on Feb. 20.
Homelessness has decreased locally, with the 2023 Homeless Count finding 261 people in Culver City living unhoused. The 2024 count brought the number down to to 115.
People living at Wellness Village, or the Interim Homekey housing, are not included in the data.
The meeting also saw the committee updating their work plan for 2024/2025, and reviewing documents for a Request for Proposals for an Updated Homeless Plan.