The City Council meeting on Nov. 11, 2024 decided not to take action on becoming a Climate Emergency City. In turning down this designation, they also opted out of becoming a member of C40 Cities – a global network of almost a hundred cities that are focused to address the climate crisis.
Speaking to the meeting remotely, during public comment, Michelle Weiner offered “I want to thank our city staff for being…forward thinking…and we can look at what the the city of Los Angeles is doing about the climate emergency. We have very urgent goals to meet.”
Council member Freddy Puza noted that “Even if we were to stop all carbon emissions today, the carbon already in the atmosphere will continue to impact the climate.” He noted that drought, wildfires and extreme heat were all climate related crises that California is already experiencing.
A press release from the city noted that “The city has policies to address climate change, environmental justice… and establishing targets in the recently adopted General Plan Update.”
Judith Martin-Straw