Culver City Woman’s Club Hosts McMorrin, Barba Speaking on Elected and Appointed Roles in City Life

Why attend a municipal meeting? How do you get appointed to a commission? What is happening at 11111 Jefferson? 

The monthly meeting of the Culver City Woman’s Club on September 9, 2024 covered more than the usual business; guest speakers Mayor Yasmine Imani McMorrin and former Planning Commissioner Nancy Barba spoke to the club about local government, and took questions about Project Homekey, the former gun store and what kind of planning the Planning Commission actually does. 

Barba spoke briefly about how being a mom inspired her to get involved with local government. “It’s really about helping to make a better world to pass on to our kids, to our grandkids…what we do today will matter for a very long time.” Having been appointed to both the Finance Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission, she had some thoughts on why it is important for women to be on these boards. 

When Barba was asked about the now-empty lot that used to be the Post Office and Coco’s Coffee Shop, the 11111 Jefferson address, she noted that “The Planning Commission approved a mixed-use, residential and business development… that has been held up by financing issues for the developer. But once we approve something, that is the only thing that can be built there. If they want to do something else, it goes back to the commission, starting again at square one.” Barba noted that she had ended her term on the commission in June. 

When McMorrin took the microphone, she took on the broader view of an elected official, noting that the city has only had six women on City Council in it’s entire history. “It’s never been easy, but it has always been important.” When asked about the city’s efforts to house the homeless. she reflected on the long road and current success of Project Homekey, she noted “When [the council] started this process in 2018, we knew it was going to take time. Working with Exodus Recovery [the non-profit that oversees and administrates the sites] has also given us a great partner to work with.”

The applause was sincere, and several members of the club thanked the Mayor for her time and her efforts. 

Judith Martin-Straw

L to R – Culver City Woman’s Club members Carol Smith, Mayor Yasmine Imani McMorrin, Nancy Barba, and Club member Cherry Dix

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