HtB & BCR – 40th Annual Creek Cleanup Sept. 21

The 40th Heal the Bay Coastal Annual Coastal Cleanup at Ballona Creek and Overland Avenue will be happening on Sept. 21, 2024 from 9 to noon. As a part of the Great Beach Cleanup, the Ballona Creek Renaissance will be meeting at the Overland Gate next to the Culver City Julian Dixon Library.

This is a zero waste event. Bring reusable water bottles, wear closed-toe shoes and a hat! Long pants recommended.  No need to pre-register, just show up!

The BCR Team welcomes volunteers of all ages for this fun and worthwhile activity where the inland water and incoming tide meet—a special place of water, fish, birds, and plants—yet still too much concrete and mostly-plastic ocean-bound trash! It’s also a great way for students to earn community service credits!

As with all creek and coastal cleanups, kids under 18 need waiver forms signed by their parent or guardian, available either on-site or on website at this link,

We welcome new collaborators this year: Parks Project and Leave No Trace as well as anyone else that wants to share their environmental efforts of 2024, however big or small.

for more info, please go to

The Actors' Gang