Airport Marina Sierra Club Hosts Longcore on Historical Ecology of the Ballona Wetlands – July 21

Looking over the entire Ballona Watershed, it is almost impossible to imagine nature’s landscape prior to development. Our remaining 600 plus acres of wetlands have been the home of the indigenous Tongva/Gabrielinos for thousands of years, later transitioning into rich farming areas, and the site of Howard Hughes Aircraft field.

This coastal area was in competition to be the Port of LA. Ballona’s freshwater table is historically at or near the surface, with multiple underlying aquifers. Under a state grant, Dr. Longcore and fellow research associates studied and reported upon the Historical Ecology of the Ballona Creek Watershed.

Zoom in for the Airport-Marina Group Meeting  on Tuesday, July 21, 2020  at 7:00 pm, when they will host  Dr. Travis Longcore – historical ecologist and long-time Ballona Wetlands Expert.

Dr. Longcore is an adjunct faculty member at the UCLA Institute of Environment and Sustainability. He is the Science Director of the Urban Wildlands Group (nonprofit), Environmental Scientist for Land IQ (commercial), and President of LA Audubon. Since the mid 1990s, he has studied, restored, protected, and enjoyed nature in the Ballona Watershed and beyond. Learn how evidence supports that Ballona has been a freshwater wetland seasonally inundated by seawater for the last 4,000 years. He is prepared to answer questions following his video presentation.

Dr. Longcore will answer questions following these video presentations:  Restoration Ecologist Dr. Margot Griswold, 2019 California Coastal Commission Hearing on Ballona in Oxnard, “Ballona Freshwater Wetlands” 7:37 min.

Travis Longcore, “Ballona Wetlands Restoration – Implications of Closure Dynamics” (Short} 31 min.

Full length version for later (run time: 1 hour and 1 minute)

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