Join in a far reaching book discussion group tonight, June 16 at 7 pm at the Julian Dixon Library with the novels of Louise Erdrich. Tonight’s book will be Tracks, the third novel to reach down to the roots of the Native American families that cross paths and change lives on the Chippewa reservation in North Dakota. If you had a different name, would you be a different person? How are you related to the people around you, to the piece of the planet you inhabit? When you leave home, how do you take it with you?
With her latest novel, LaRose, standing solid on the New York Times bestseller list, there is a lot to be enjoyed by starting at the beginning of her catalogue. Each novel can stand alone, but when read as a series, opens into an amazing tapestry of family, time and space.
The group meets on the third Thursday of the month, and next month’s novel will be The Bingo Palace.
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