Sahli-Wells Fundraiser Focuses on Diversity

12512620_10204055286741033_459543207624591816_nThe Culver Hotel was filled with supporters of Meghan Sahli-Wells last Sunday, January 24, at her first fundraiser of the season. The only incumbent among the field running for council, Sahli-Wells got to stand on her history and her voting record as she thanked the many who had turned out to show support. Natasia Gascon (photo left, with Sahli-Wells) noted that it was her first political fundraiser, and she was delighted to support Meghan’s run for office.
The candidate offered remarks to the the crowd, noting ” I grew up here, I’m rooted in the community and our history, but I’ve also travelled the world and lived in different countries – living in Paris, spending 5 months in West Africa, doing anthropological research in Madagascar – these have all had a big impact on my thinking, and my understanding of how people live, the importance of infrastructure, mobility, and quality of life. Long story short, I’m a hometown girl with a big world view.”
Shining a light on the lack of diversity in local politics, she observed, “I’m the only woman on the Council, and the only woman running, and only the 5th woman elected to the council in our 99 year history. As wonderful as it is, Culver City has a long way to go in terms of representation.”
The Actors' Gang

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