Dear Editor- Vote for the Best

Dear Editor,

I want the best qualified, best prepared, caring people, with the most relevant experience to join me in working to make our school district the best it can be. So, I write to say that I am unequivocally supporting and endorsing both Laura Chardiet and Scott Zeidman for school board. I would love the opportunity to work with them during the rest of my tenure on the Board.

Scott, as the incumbent, has had a great record of accomplishments over the past four years. He deserves our entire community’s support in reelection for the best of reasons: so that he can continue getting good things done for our kids and schools.

Laura, though a newcomer to the board scene, is certainly no newcomer to the field of education, or to our Culver City schools. As a former classroom teacher, she knows how important it is to keep our focus on the classroom. Currently the administrator of a $15 million literacy grant, Laura knows how to run a large budget and make the most of every dollar; an invaluable skill in these economic times.

Laura Chardiet is also the mom of two CCUSD students, and has been a passionate, dedicated volunteer throughout their school years, holding numerous PTA positions, including serving as president of the district-wide Culver City Council of PTAs. She is incredibly creative, smart, driven, and energetic. Laura is an avid supporter of both our arts education programs (she did the make up for the Darn Yankees performers!) and our athletics program (her son is on one of our high school teams). She understands immersion education, the issues at our Title I schools, and the importance of having both college-prep and career and technical education programs available at our high school. She will bring an impressive array of leadership and consensus-building skills to the board.

Both Scott Zeidman and Laura Chardiet are smart, effective, active parents with kids currently in our schools. They stand above the rest of the candidate field as compassionate, trustworthy, experienced and well-qualified professionals with relevant, broad-based resumes for the realities we face in these recessionary times.

For the sake of our children’s education and their futures, please vote for Laura Chardiet and Scott Zeidman on November 8th.

Thank you,
Kathy Paspalis

The Actors' Gang

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