While all three of her children were in the CCUSD Language Immersion program, Madeline Ehrlich started Advocates for Language Learning (A.L.L.), a national organization that has chapters across the United States advocating language immersion education. She helped to start the Japanese Immersion Program program and founded the Foreign Exchange program in Mexico. It’s not surprising to find Madeline behind the 40th Anniversary Celebration of language immersion in Culver City.
To help pay for the cost of the 40th Celebration, Madeline is making a one-of-a-kind quilt and selling raffle tickets. The quilt is 41″ x 41″ and around the globe are pictures of children in their native costumes. The flags have the words unity, respect, love, friendship, peace, understanding and harmony in 12 languages.
Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.00. The raffle winner will be announced at the Reunion Celebration on May 15th and need not be present.
To send for raffle tickets, pop a check to our friends at –
PO BO 5532
Culver City, CA 90231-5532
Checks should be made out to ALLEM.
El Marino Language School Families can put your cash or check in the ALLEM black box in the office.
Thank you!
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