It’s not unusual for El Marino families to work together on projects, but when the community gathers to fold origami cranes, there is a special and sad reason. Kindergarten student Kai Rambone has been stricken, and we are reaching out to support him. Kai is still in ICU and is still in a coma, so please keep praying for him. If you can, join us in folding cranes.
The Thousand Origami Cranes has become a symbol through the story of a Japanese girl who tried to stave off her death from radiation (from lukemia) by making one thousand origami cranes. Having folded only 644 before her death, her friends completed and buried them all with her. (This is only one version of the story; another version at the Hiroshima Peace Museum states that she did, in fact, complete the 1,000 cranes.)
The crane is a bird of sacred knowledge in Japan, and the origami offering is traditionally interpreted as a way to have a wish granted, often for health or for peace. Several temples in Japan have eternal flames for World Peace. At these temples, school groups or individuals often donate Senbazuru (paper cranes) to add to the prayer for peace. The cranes are left exposed to the elements, slowly dissolving and becoming tattered as the wish is released. In this way they are related to Indian and Tibetan prayer flags.
We are so excited to get this project to Kai and his family, knowing that it will bring them the knowledge of how loved and supported they are through this crisis. If you have cranes that you have folded, please send an email with the count to [email protected]
We think we are getting close and need to get organized for the next process of putting the project together to then deliver to ICU.
Lastly, if you would like to add on your support for this El Marino family here are a couple of other idea’s we have come up with to try and keep their spirits up.
Send supportive emails (from your kids to Kai, or from you) to [email protected] and [email protected]. Please don’t expect a reply but do know that all emails are read and really appreciated.
Ask your kids to draw a picture or write a note to Kai
If you would like to offer financial support to help with hospital bills, parking, etc., PayPal [email protected] (note: Kai) and she will forward all funds.
Laurel, Jef and Tanya are only a few of the many parents helping to organize support for Kai and his family. Thanks to everyone; fold a crane.
I’m so glad you’re helping to publicize Laurel, Jef and Tanya’s work to help the Rambones. For origami crane directions, try this web site: http://www.origami-fun.com/origami-crane.html