Definiens Musical Adventure “Lesanju the Elephant,” will be at the Culver City Julian Dixon Library Sat March 5, 2 -3 p.m. If youand your children have not had the experience of enjoying the musical group the Definiens Project, this is a great place to have great fun.
Definiens will present a series of musical adventures for children and their families. Each interactive adventure consists of short musical pieces performed by the musicians and accompanied by participation from the audience. The children are introduced to the individual musical instruments and musical concepts. The stories are created to communicate positive messages about self-worth, growth, teamwork and friendship. All ages are welcome with elementary school age the focus.
Join Lesanju the Elephant as she travels around the savanna learning about the things that make her special. The short musical pieces performed by the musicians are accompanied by participation from the audience. Children explore the sounds of nature and are introduced to the individual instruments and musical concepts.
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