Dear Editor- “Meghan is a Powerhouse”

To the Editor:

Meghan Sahli-Wells, who’s running for Culver City’s city council, is a natural leader. Every organization she founds and committee she serves on is stronger because of her. She leads by bringing people into the decision making process. She listens carefully to what others have to say, and is thoughtful and deliberative. She’s a can-do person who finds creative ways of solving problems.

I’ve come to realize that Meghan is a powerhouse. She is strong, hardworking and determined. She knows her own mind, and she speaks up for what she believes is right. She’s very experienced at building organizations and solving problems. She knows how this city works. And she has numerous excellent recommendations about how to improve our city. This woman is smart, she does her homework, and she is ready to serve her community as a city councilperson.

Rebecca Rona-Tuttle

Sunkist Park

The Actors' Gang

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