Dear Editor – Response To Union President

Dear Editor,

As a Culver City homeowner, I have watched and read the issues about the schools for more than a decade. For that entire time I mistakenly thought that you represented the teachers. I mistakenly thought that you were interested in bargaining the best deal you could for the teachers. When I watched the video tape of the meetings, I thought that I heard you speaking on behalf of the teachers.

I cannot possibly tell you how pleased I am to now learn that I was mistaken. Your letter includes this paragraph;

Finally, just a quick personal note in closing. I resent it when anyone suggests that our union’s “primary focus is to advocate for our members.” Yes, we give voice to teacher concerns. But we are all fulltime teachers. We are here for our kids.

Since you only give voice to the teachers, but you are really here for the kids, I have a suggestion.

Why don’t you do as many of the teachers have asked. Have all the teachers take a 5% pay cut, and ask that the administrators do the same. This way, no one will lose their jobs, no one will lose part of their job, and there won’t be any more overcrowding in the classrooms. No programs would need to be cut. No more furlough days will have to be added. Most of all, the kids won’t feel any loss.

If you are truly here for the kids, then take the sacrifice for the kids. Please put your money where your mouth is and agree that everyone should take a 5% paycut, for the kids.

Or, was that just lip service?

It takes a village to raise a child. The village can survive with a 5% cut. The child cannot.

If you agree, send David Mielke an email at [email protected]

Shane Ferguson

Culver City

The Actors' Gang

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