Boosters Go Bowling for CCHS
You might have been involved in some other sports over the weekend, but the real action was raising funds for the high school by tossing strikes. Who could have guessed that tournament bowling would reveal …[READ MORE]
You might have been involved in some other sports over the weekend, but the real action was raising funds for the high school by tossing strikes. Who could have guessed that tournament bowling would reveal …[READ MORE]
It’s always easier to frame an “us versus them” point of view, but the truth is that the private and public schools of Culver City are not poised against each other. Case in point- The …[READ MORE]
The Exchange Club of Culver City is proud to announce two students from Culver Park High School were honored as the Accepting the Challenge of Excellence (A.C.E.) Award recipients for the month of April. Olivia …[READ MORE]
“Can You See Me In The Big Picture?” this spring’s offering from the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts DZDP Dance Company at Culver City High School, features an exciting array of student and faculty …[READ MORE]
The Culver City Education Foundation granted a grant to Shelia Silver from CCHS for a 40 minute theatre production for K-5 called “Cootie Shots–Theatrical Inoculations against Prejudice and Bigotry.” Working hand in hand with the …[READ MORE]
As a part of his remarks at the March 8 meeting of the Culver City Board of Education, President Scott Zeidman was pleased to note the success of the “Casino Night” fundraiser. “We sold 1500 …[READ MORE]
A team from Culver City High School has been recruited to present at an upcoming conference addressing “Closing the Achievement Gap for African American Students: Best Practices for Student Success” sponsored by the Association of …[READ MORE]
This musical comedy satirizes capitalism, social irresponsibility, and municipal politics, and corporate mismanagement in a parody style of great wit and humor. Urinetown, the Musical was the winner of three Tony awards (Best Director, Best …[READ MORE]
As times are tough for the Culver City Schools, but there’s no reason to sing the blues. The Culver City High School Booster Club will be raising money and raising your spirits with the best …[READ MORE]
More good news for the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts at CCHS; the AVPA Foundation is the recipient of a $50,000 grant from the Surdna Foundation to support the AVPA Dance program. The Surdna …[READ MORE]
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