Rolling Forward – Parks & Rec Gifts Bikes to Project Homekey, Wellness Village

Sometimes, even a stationary bike can take trip that’s beneficial for everyone. The Culver City Senior Center had  equipment in the gym that the Senior Center Board,  opted to replace. They asked Parks, Rec and Community Services staff if they could find a home for the older exercise bikes.

Wellness Village, the ‘safe sleep’ site, and Project Homekey, the supported housing, turned out to be the ideal places. 

Jill Thomsen, of the Senior Center, noted “On my end, the Culver City Senior Citizens Association brought updated bikes for the fitness room.  So we had four older- but still operational – bikes.  I worked with our City Purchasing Department to let other Departments know that the bikes were available if they wanted to use them, and Tevis took us up on the offer!”

Barnes, who oversees the Wellness Village, offered “The departments of Public Works and Parks, Recreation and Community Services came together to install exercise bikes donated from to the Wellness Village and Project Homekey. This is yet another example of our Culver City team providing care and service to our unhoused neighbors.”

Keeping physical health as an important factor in overall health, the benefit of ‘biking in place’ can give people the confidence they need to use bikes as transportation. It’s a win/win for both extending the life of the equipment, and building strength and independence for the residents of the village and project. 

“Both Wellness Village and Project Homekey expressed gratitude for the donation and the residents at both sites immediately put the exercise bikes to use,” Barnes added.  “We are all working towards healthy minds and bodies.”

Judith Martin-Straw

Photo Credit – Dustin Klenmann




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