Culver City Democratic Club Offers Endorsements for November Ballot

Following their September 11, 2024 meeting, the members of the Culver City Democratic Club cast secure and anonymous online votes to determine which ballot measures the club would support or oppose in the upcoming general election.

The results for the State propositions are:

Prop. 2 (School Bond): YES

Prop. 3 (Marriage Equality): YES

Prop. 4 (Climate Bond): YES

Prop. 5 (Allow Local Bonds and Taxes to Pass with 55% instead of 2/3): YES

Prop. 6 (Ban Forced Labor): YES

Prop. 32 (Minimum Wage): YES

Prop. 33 (Justice for Renters): YES

Prop. 34 (Prevent AIDS Healthcare Foundation from Doing Housing Activism): NO

Prop. 35 (MediCal Funding): YES

Prop. 36 (Increase Shoplifting and Drug Sentences): NO

Members also voted to support County Measures A (Funding Homeless Services) and G (County Government Reform), as well as Culver City Measure O, which continues Measure K’s funding for teachers and other school district staff.

The club’s endorsement mailer will arrive the same week as vote-by-mail ballots. The recommendations on it were determined by direct votes of the entire club membership. Unlike many clubs, where an endorsement committee presents a slate for the other members to approve, every Democrat running for every office appeared on the
ballot, as did all options for the propositions. The mailer is also paid for entirely by member dues and donations, no Political Action Committees or billionaires are involved.

The Culver City Democratic Club is the city’s oldest and largest political organization and its leading producer of political information and analysis. For more visit

Culver City Democratic Club

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