Culver City’s Distinguished Speakers Series will present a panel on Affordable Housing: A Public Conversation on Affordable Housing Best Practices. Please join us for a public discussion with experienced local affordable housing practitioners:
Featured Speakers will include Tara Barauskas, Executive Director at Community Corp. of Santa Monica;Oscar Alvarado, Vice President, Housing at Culver City based affordable housing developer Century Housing; and Alicen Bartle, Project Development Administrator at the City of West Hollywood
The panelists will discuss affordable housing best practices with Culver City Finance Advisory Committee Members Leigh Austin and Marc Bauer, followed by an opportunity for audience questions.
Please RSVP via email or call (310) 253-6000.
Wednesday, September 11th at 7 PM
Rotunda Room, Veterans Memorial Complex, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City 90230
Read about the first event in the Series, A Conversation with Dr. Stuart Gabriel, which was held last year. You can also watch the video of the Conversation with Dr. Stuart Gabriel online.