At the Culver city Unified School Board meeting on August 6, 2024, Superintendent Brian Lucas presented Resolution #10-2024/2025, recommending placing the renewal of the Measure K parcel tax on the November 5, 2024, ballot. The board voted unanimously on the resolution.
On November 6, 2018, District voters adopted Measure K, an education parcel tax to support District programs and students. Measure K is for a seven year term and will expire on July 1, 2026. Based on community polling, feedback and ongoing program needs, it is recommended that the District place a measure on the ballot for the November 5, 2024 election to renew this revenue source for a period of eight years at a rate of $189 per-parcel, a continuation of $189 of the rate set in Measure K.
The current education Measure K revenues have been used within the District to provide funding to attract and retain qualified teachers, maintain smaller class sizes, support math, science, engineering, technology, art and music programs, improve support for students with special needs, and prepare students for college and modern careers.
Voter approval of this proposed parcel tax measure would result in continued parcel tax revenues for eight years beginning in 2026 to continue to support District educational programs. Parcel tax funds would augment the General Fund by providing dollars for needed and anticipated District programs to maintain the high quality of education in District schools.
CCUSD teachers and classified staff support the renewal of Measure K.
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