In 2019, as part of its Age-Friendly Communities planning process, the city conducted a community survey of individuals who were over age 50 and/or disabled. Using a template from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), the city revised the survey to focus on areas of interest.
In 2024, the city would like to ensure that the survey results from 2019 are still relevant. www.culvercity.org/agefriendlyinitiative
With your insight, the Culver City Age-Friendly Action Plan aims to:
Create a 5-year strategic plan that will successfully serve the community for years to come.
Organize and prioritize Culver City’s work to become more livable for older residents based on the 8 domains of livability.
Engage a wide range of key groups and community members in Culver City.
RSVP for the Culver City Age-Friendly Community Engagement meeting.