Join us at El Rincon Elementary for a Draft General Plan Open House on Thursday, October 19th! Culver City is hosting an Open House to share the Draft General Plan, with a focus on the Fox Hills neighborhood. All are welcome to attend and provide feedback on the Plan, including those outside of Fox Hills! Attendees can join the event virtually or in person.
October 19, 2023 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM at El Rincon Elementary School, 11177 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230
The General Plan is intended as the City’s primary guide for land use decisions and is a key tool for shaping and improving the quality of life for residents. The Plan reflects the community’s vision for the future, input gathered in dozens of community engagement activities, and technical analysis performed since 2019. To implement the vision, the Plan sets forth a comprehensive set of goals, policies, and actions for the City to undertake.
The Open House will begin with a short presentation about the General Plan Update process, General Plan content, and how to provide feedback on the Plan, including information specific to the Fox Hills neighborhood. After the presentation, in person participants will be able to circulate to stations around the room to learn about the different General Plan Elements and provide feedback. Virtual attendees will be able to view the stations online and ask staff questions about the General Plan.
RSVPs are appreciated, but not required for in person and virtual attendees. Visit the project website to RSVP.
Can’t make it on October 19th? Save the date for an additional hybrid Open House on November 6th and an all-virtual Open House on November 15th!
Other Ways to Share Feedback – Review the Public Draft General Plan online. Printed copies are available to view at the City Hall Planning Counter, the Julian Dixon Library, and the Culver City Senior Center. Make comments using the online comment form or by mailing written comments to:
Advance Planning Division
9770 Culver Boulevard, 3rd Floor
Culver City, CA 90232
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Advance Planning staff at (310) 253-5740 or [email protected]. #CulverCity #PictureCulverCity #PictureCulverCity2045