Dear Editor – Take the Styrofoam Survey

Light-bulb-0003-300x198Dear Editor,

I’m writing to encourage you to take this short City of Culver City survey and support Ballona Creek Renaissance’s sensible proposal toward a polystyrene (aka Styrofoam-free) city! And by all means share it with colleagues, friends, and family!

Based on the experience of Manhattan Beach and about 98 other California cities who have adopted similar ordinances, this can be win-win-win for environment, community, and affected businesses for whom it includes both phase-in and hardship clauses.

I’ve been inspired by the excellent efforts of BCR’s volunteer team led by BCR VP Sandrine Cassidy Schmitt. We hope at their 12/12 meeting, the Culver City Council will direct staff to move forward on this and develop a draft ordinance. They might even be able to become the 100th CA city to adopt such an ordinance in the CC100 Centennial year!

The last day to take the survey is 11/30!


Jim Lamm

BCR President Emeritus

The Actors' Gang

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