LOCALmotion – Jozelle Smith

13Never a group to take a breather, (even after an exhausting 4th of July Fireworks Show and Fiesta LaBallona beverage booth) the Culver City Exchange Club is now planning its Volunteer Picnic, set for 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 27th at Lindberg Park. Past President Mike Snell is in charge of games and prizes for the children. Members were glad to see Greg Goodyear, feeling better and enjoying last week’s meeting, and send “get well soon” messages to longtime Exchangeite Bob Clarke.
If you haven’t taken your kids (or if YOU haven’t been) to the Star EcoStation yet, you’re all in for a treat! Sign up for weekend tours (1 hour, running from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Adults $8.00, Seniors, $7.00 and children, $6.00), with highlights from tropical fish to tortoises, from parrots to pythons. Each tour is led by an Eco Station staff member, and features fun animal facts, hands-on animal encounters, surprising rescue stories, environmental exhibits, and innovative approaches to going green. There’s sure to be lots of fun at the Creepy Crawly Creature Feature- coming up on September 20th. You’ll see Walls that Crawl, Winged Wonders, and Frightening Fangs. Pictures from last year’s zany entomology expo that showcased hundreds of bugs, from terrifying tarantulas to beautiful butterflies are on their website, www.ecostation.org. This Environmental Science Museum & Exotic Wildlife Rescue Facility is located at 10101 Jefferson Blvd. , Culver City. Telephone (310) 842-8060 or email [email protected]. (You can even plan your child’s birthday party there!)
School’s back in session and Culver City’s Teen Center Program is up and running as well. It’s open for Middle School and High School kids on Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri from 2:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m., and on Wednesdays from 1:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Your kids will get homework assistance, enjoy crafts and games, a Teen Center Computer Lab, a Teaching Kitchen, Game Room, the College Career Jump Office, “Tournament Tuesdays”, Service Learning Opportunities, Special Events & Field Trips, and a TV Lounge. Enrollment ($100.00 for the school year) is ongoing and registration is fast and easy – for more information, contact [email protected] or visit the Registration Office at the Veterans Memorial Building, 4117 Overland Ave. Call (310) 253-6674. The Teen Center itself is just next door, at 4153 Overland Ave.
Coming up next Monday, September 14, the Culver City Rock & Mineral Club’s meeting will feature Melinda Alexander, who will demonstrate and talk about stone setting. She’s been teaching at Irvine Fine Arts Center for the past eight years and enjoys passing along her learned skills to new jewelers and artists. Samples will be on display, and the public is invited. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Veterans’ Memorial Building’s Multi-Purpose Room. For more information, visit www.culvercityrocks.org.
A new name, but even more fun (and just as tasty!) as ever: it’s The Culver City Historical Society’s first annual Founder’s Day Picnic celebrating the 98th anniversary of the incorporation of Culver City, Sunday, September 20, from 12 noon to 3:00 p.m. at the picnic area in Veterans Park, 4117 Overland Avenue in Culver City. Formerly known as the CCHS “Picnic in the Park,” Historical Society members as well as everyone in the community is invited to enjoy lunch catered by Santa Maria BBQ (tender tri-tips, plump juicy chicken, tasty chili beans, potato salad, green salad, garlic bread, soft drinks and a surprise dessert). Picnic-goers will be serenaded by Steve Lage, a 50/50 raffle will be held, and there will fun for the entire family. The cost is $30.00 per person for Historical Society Members; $35 for non-members; $10 for children 4-10 years old. Please RSVP by September 17. Checks should be sent to the Culver City Historical Society, P.O. Box 3428, Culver City, CA 90231-3428. For additional information or to purchase tickets online, go to www.CulverCityHistoricalSociety.org/2015picnic (Please include the names of all guests. Tickets will be held at the picnic site.) P.S. – The Archives and Resource Center (ARC) will be open after lunch, and visitors will be able to view displays and exhibits of local history.
Here’s a great facebook page for all you locals: Alumni – LaPlaya Cooperative Nursery School! (I’m betting we’re the oldest members…) Lindberg Park was the perfect setting for the school, and still is. We happily toured it a couple of years ago with granddaughter Leilani. Thanks to Heather Coombs-Perez, another alum, for showing us around!
The Fall 2015 edition of the Culver City Living recreation brochure is now available online at www.culvercity.org/CulverCityLiving. Check out this latest brochure to learn more about the wide variety of exciting fall programs and activities being offered for all ages.
Birthday wishes go out this week to Paul Netzel, Bette Gregory, Karen Ellingston, Challis MacPherson, Jack Nakanishi and Victor Rachootin. If you’d like to see your (or a friend or family member’s) birthday here, send the information to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to post it!

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