The Culver City Walk & Rollers’ Safe Routes to School program (SRTS) is looking forward to seeing many more families walking, biking, rolling, and scooting to school this year. In it’s second year of operation, Culver City Walk & Rollers will be hosting a variety of safety workshops and monthly events as the city-wide SRTS continues to grow.
This month, an informational packet is being sent home with students in the Culver City school district. The packet contains general information on the SRTS program, a Parent Pledge, which parents and students are encouraged to sign, and dates for Bike Safe, Bike Smart family workshops and Family Bike Rides that highlight some of the best riding routes in Culver City. So be sure to mark your calendar!
Families interested in learning more about safely walking and biking to school with their children are encouraged to attend one of the Bike Safe, Bike Smart workshops, outlined in the packet. This series of workshops is designed for parents interested in walking and biking to school with their children. Registration is free and open to all Culver City residents. For details, please visit www.ccwalkandroll.com/workshops-classes
The next Culver City Walk & Rollers event is the Family Fun Ride taking place Saturday, February 28th. Families should meet at Linwood E. Howe Elementary School (4100 Irving Place, Culver City, 90232) at 8:45 a.m. and join the fun on a group ride to the Smart Gardening Workshop at Veterans Auditorium (ride leaves at 9:00 a.m.). The workshop has something for everyone in the family for improving your lawn or garden and composting too. As a special bonus, be sure to bring a used egg carton for an opportunity to plant your very own seedlings! For more details on the Family Fun Ride, please visit: www.ccwalkandroll.com/family-fun-ride.
Parents and guardians interested in volunteering at their school or other SRTS events should contact their school’s SRTS committee, PTA or the Culver City Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Jim Shanman at [email protected] for more information.
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