Feng Shui New Year – Janet Mitsui Brown

web-sheep2Happy New Year 2015 a new Feng Shui beginning —

According to the Western calendar, also known as the Gregorian calendar, we in this country observe January 1st as the beginning of the New Year. Japanese New Year is also celebrated on January 1. But in other cultures New Year’s Day is celebrated in an alternative calendar, still attracting celebrations to begin a new cycle of a new year, but on a different date.

For instance the Jewish New Year, called Rosh Hashanah, is celebrated during September or October. Chinese New Year is the first day of the lunar calendar, normally falling between January 20 and February 20th. In feng shui, the solar calendar is observed on February 4th.

The most popular new years date is January 1st, and it is just behind us. I celebrate Japanese New Year also, and we call this celebration Oshogatsu. Then in 2015 on February 19 I will also celebrate the Chinese New Year.

All new years, regardless of starting date, is a chance to start over again. It is a time to clean out the old, to cleanse, and to bless the New Year for good fortune to family.

This year in December, one of my gifts to my husband was to clean, reorganize, and feng shui his closet. My husband is a secret hoarder, and he had to stay away while my daughter, my assistant and I cleared and prepared his closet. The closet is radiant now, and simply glows. In the mail, after we cleared the closet, he received 3 unexpected checks. You see, when you clear out the old, you make room for new energy, and it can take different forms. In his case, it was money. Needless to say, he is very pleased with the change, and he is now busily cleaning out “man’s world,” his office in the back of the house.

The New Year is your opportunity to get a fresh start. Begin by clearing out whatever you don’t need, and clear out the dust. For its only then, that new energy can come to you. Then be on the lookout for your new beginning.

Happy new year, Akemashite omedetou …

In gratitude, Janet Mitsui Brown, www.thejoyoffengshui.com

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