CCPD Runs Baker to Vegas for 1st Place
The Culver City Police Department sent a team of 20 runners to compete in the 30th annual Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup Relay. Each runner runs a relay leg of 4.0 to 10.7 miles, depending …[READ MORE]
The Culver City Police Department sent a team of 20 runners to compete in the 30th annual Baker to Vegas Challenge Cup Relay. Each runner runs a relay leg of 4.0 to 10.7 miles, depending …[READ MORE]
A common refrain anyone will hear coming from me is that I love living in Culver City because of the ability we have to actually speak with our community’s leaders. Over the 14 years I …[READ MORE]
It’s true – growing your own food is like printing your own money. It’s even better than that, because when you are picking tomatoes out of the back yard instead of flying them up from …[READ MORE]
We have the opportunity to vote for two incumbents in the Culver City City Council election this year. Having watched as the current members of the Council formed an excellent team and worked so well …[READ MORE]
Friday, April 11th, 2014 is ArtsDay: the annual opportunity for Angelenos (and Culvercitizens) to celebrate the contributions of arts and culture to the community and to talk with elected officials about why the arts are …[READ MORE]
We are supporting Jeff Cooper for City Council for many reasons. Over the many years that we have known him, he has demonstrated strong leadership skills, a willingness to go the extra mile, a great …[READ MORE]
No, Virginia, it’s just a coincidence that this particular Candidates’ Forum is on April Fool’s Day: it’s the Joint Meeting of the Culver City Rotary Club with the Culver City Exchange Club, gathering at noon …[READ MORE]
I would like to thank all my supporters who spoke at the last City Council meeting demanding the City move with a strong, defensible ban or moratorium. To keep the pressure on our City officials …[READ MORE]
Enough! 十分! Genug! In Japan, they say you are an adult at 20 years old, and there is a ceremony called the “seijinshiki” (成人式). I turned twenty in Japan, during my Junior Year Abroad, so …[READ MORE]
While it may sound like an after – hours kinda place, Bar Nine Collective is really set to be an eye-opening sort of spot. The soon-to-open cafe in Culver City from co-owners Zayde Naquib and …[READ MORE]
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