LOCALmotion – Jozelle Smith

The Culver City Garden Club invites members and friends to join them in closing out their 60th anniversary year this coming Tuesday, December 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the Garden Room of the Culver City Veterans’ Memorial Building (4117 Overland Ave., at Culver Blvd.), which will be the site of their Annual Holiday Potluck Dinner. Free parking is adjacent to the building. This dinner is always a lively and fun event, but please let them know if you’ll be in attendance and what you’ll be bringing – contact [email protected].

Just in case you might be confused (and you’re not the only ones) you’re invited to learn just what “Covered California” means for you, your family and the community. You’re invited to join in for an informative session on the new health plan options at the Culver-Palms Family YMCA, where staff will be on hand to provide an overview and answer questions about Covered California, including benefits and ways to enroll. There are two opportunities coming up: this Tuesday, December 3 at 5:45 p.m. and/or Wednesday, December 4 at 10:00 a.m. (if you still have questions). Both sessions will be held at the Culver-Palms Family YMCA’s Family Room, 4500 Sepulveda Blvd. For more information or to RSVP, please contact the Y at (310)390-3604.

This Thursday, December 5th starting at 5:00 p.m., enjoy the annual Downtown Culver City Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony, presented by the Downtown Business Association and the City of Culver City. Santa Claus will be there, and there’ll be hot cider, hot cocoa and treats, plus performances by local choirs and the inevitable (but warm) greetings by our Culver City officials! The official lighting takes place at 6:00 p.m. Later on, Downtown Culver City’s many restaurants will welcome you or you and your family can just enjoy strolling around the downtown area, with its mix of historic buildings, boutiques, theaters, galleries, and restaurants. Parking is free in all three municipal structures for up to two hours, and valet parking is available at three convenient Downtown locations.

Coincidentally, also this Thursday, The Culver Hotel will host the Culver City Chamber of Commerce’s Holiday “Business After 5” mixer in the beautiful lobby of this historic hotel. Members can network with fellow Chamber members between 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., as well as enjoy an array of delicious complimentary hors-d’oeuvres as well as belly up to the antique bar to enjoy The Culver Hotel’s signature drinks. You can bet everyone there, just kids at heart, will be keeping an eye on the plaza, ready to toast the lighting of the giant Christmas tree at 6:00 p.m. The cost for Chamber members is $5.00 in advance, or $10.00 at the door. For reservations, contact Barbara Brody at the Chamber Office, (310) 287-3850 or email [email protected].

Coming up next Tuesday, December 9, the Culver City Rock & Mineral Club will be holding its Annual Holiday Party at Culver City Rotary Plaza, 5100 Overland Ave. The meet and greet starts at 6:00 p.m., and dinner is at 6:30 p.m. Members are invited to bring a side, dessert, or other dish you’d like to share with members, PLUS: bring a wrapped gift for their “infamous White Elephant Gift Exchange.” The 2014 CCRMC’s 2014 Board members will also be installed at the party. (Per Rotary Plaza rules, the party ends at 9:00 p.m. promptly – you know how rowdy these rockhounds can get!) You can bet new members Michael Bronner, Norma Johnson, Anna Kazlauskene, Dallal Khouri, Sofie Lyddon, Emma Lyddon, Sarah Nilssen, and Molly Zimmermann will be on hand for the fun. For reservations, call (310) 836-4611.

Santa Claus, courtesy the Culver City Police Department, will soon begin making his rounds of our neighborhoods to greet as many youngsters as possible. After his wonderful kickoff this Thursday eve, he’ll be out most weeknights 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. to make sure he talks to as many of our children as possible. If you miss him on your block (see the schedule posted on www.culvercitypolice.com and click Events – disregard the 2012 shown, it’s this year’s sched!) then head over to the City Hall on Monday, December 16 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. armed with your list because after that he’s off to the North Pole to get to work!

It’s what??? December already?? Happy birthday to celebrants Joan Jakubowski, Karen McClain, Evelyn Quinn, Cavyn Simon, Daniel O’Brien, Robyn Johnson, Joyce Cook, Gordon Vosburg, Edmondo Coronel, Max Hippensteel, Virginia Hollis, Brian Lallement, Sandra Cheng, Joseph Duronio, Anna Rodriguez, Lynn Stinshoff, Roberta Allen, Ruby Keefe, Gregory Sullivan, Alden Glauch, Cathy Jarel-Girgis, Robyn Zelmanovitz, Mona Hillman, Dana Livneh, Emma Stashin, Cecilia D’Alterio, William Rogers Sra., Carla Facchini, Heather Huff , Gilbert Prado, and Janet Elaine Schmidt. If you’d like to have your (or a friend, neighbor or family member’s) birthday noted here, send the info to [email protected] and we’ll post it!

The Actors' Gang

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