Vacant School Site has Two Suitors

As David McNeill made his presentation to the City Council on  Monday night, Jan. 24, he noted that the Baldwin Hills Conservancy was looking to purchase the vacant Linda Vista school site in Blair Hills and turn it to park use, adding more property to the Baldwin Hills. At the CCUSD School Board meeting on Jan. 25, Dr. Millicent Powell of USC, representing the charter school Building Bridges, let it be known that they were also looking at using the same school site, wanting to locate their engineering-oriented charter in Culver City. The site is currently owned, but not in use, by the Ohr Eliyahu Acedemy, a private school. OEA leased the site from CCUSD  for four years the school before purchasing the campus for $1.4 million in 1999.

David McNeill, Executive Officer of the Baldwin Hills Conservancy, “We having been working to acquire the site for about a year and half.  Funds have been set aside, and we are very close to deal. We do expect to be able to finish the details this month.”

As stated by McNeill at the council meeting, the Baldwin Hills Conservancy’s main priority is “the acquisition of open space.” BHC is looking to use the property to add more green space to the park, and not to use the site as a school.

Dr. Powell did not return phone calls from Crossroads asking for comments.

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